These Are My Scars...


That's a picture of my ankle nine
year's after having to have reconstructive surgery to repair my peroneal tendons in my left ankle…

It may not look like much to most, but to me, a seventeen year old girl, it was devastating. Having to get surgery took away my ability to do what I loved (dance) for well over a year. As a young girl, this was extremely hard to deal with. 

In hindsight, the whole situation frustrates me, because my injury was likely, very preventable had I sought better medical advice when I developed peroneal tendonitis (inflammation of my tendons).  My stubbornness and gross ignorance along with a lack of dance specific healthcare caused me much more heartache than I could have imagined! 

I'm writing this to you so that you or your daughter/son can help themselves avoid situations like this, because believe me, its not fun. Surgeries like these DON’T have to happen if you can identify the problem early and deal with the underlying causes! Dance is extremely tough on the body and that's not something that should not be ignored! 

So seek help, and listen to professionals who understand what you’re dealing with. Future you will thank you, I PROMISE!

If you're the parent of a dancer or a dancer yourself who is dealing with a nagging injury that wont seem to go away then sign up for a FREE discovery session with me because I've been there, I know what you're going through and I want to help.