Knee Pain Relief: 15 Tips to help get rid of your knee pain [in 2021]

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  1. Strengthen Your Hips

    In almost all knee cases that are not traumatic in nature, the cause of knee pain is rarely from the knee itself. In many cases it is caused by weakness in the tiny muscles of the hip that are creating instability of the knee joint.

    If you want less knee pain, do more specific hip strengthening exercises, you’ll be surprised at the difference it can make.

    2. Exercise on level surfaces for a short period of time

    Many people don’t realize that walking on uneven or hard surfaces can make knee pain worse. By changing where you exercise, you can ease knee pain.

    Walking on hard, uneven surfaces will make knee pain worse. Walking on softer surfaces, such as grass, will be easier on ALL your joints.

    3. Change your shoes

    Many people don’t realize that walking on uneven or hard surfaces can make knee pain worse. By changing where you exercise, you can ease knee pain.

    Walking on hard, uneven surfaces will make knee pain worse.

    Walking on softer surfaces, such as grass, will be easier on ALL your joints.

    4. Avoid sitting with your knees bent or cross-legged

    Our bodies were not built to sit for long periods of time, especially with your legs crossed. Sitting with your knees crossed or bent under you over-stretches the ligaments and muscles surrounding your knee. It also increasing the pressure on your knee joints which can cause pain and swelling.

    To give your knees relief, limit the amount of time you spend with your knees bent or crossed. Try to have them straight whenever possible. If you have to sit with your knees crossed or bent, limit it to 20 minutes at a time before getting up and moving around.

    5. Stay Hydrated

    One of the biggest mistakes that could be contributing to your pain and zapping your energy is being dehydrated. Dehydration can cause muscle aches, pains, fatigue, and dizziness.

    Try to drink water throughout the day. Avoid excess caffeine, including coffee, tea, alcohol, and energy drinks as these will dehydrate your body even more.

    6. Watch what you eat

    It has been proven through science that processed foods are linked to increases in inflammation throughout the body. This may not be the cause of your knee pain, but we can all agree that it is certainly not going to help the situation. I rarely take a stance on one particular diet, because I believe there are different needs for each person, but if you stay away from fast foods and foods with a lot of preservatives your body will thank you.

    7. Use topical creams

    Using products such as icy hot or tiger balm can be of benefit when you are in acute pain. They will NOT solve the problem, but they can block the intensity of pain signals to the brain for a short period of time to at least allow you to get some relief fast.

    8. Sleep more

    Research shows that most individuals need 8-10 hours of sleep every night to fully recover. This is even more important for those who are training hard each day. Without sleep and adequate recovery you body will eventually fail. More sleep = Less pain.

    9. Keep moving

    In most cases of knee pain (those without trauma) it is imperative to keep moving your knee. Letting it sit still can make things more stiff and thus more painful. Movement is truly medicine in this case.

    10. Anti-inflammatory medications

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and other medications can help with knee pain that is primarily from inflammation (not so much in traumatic cases). Some of these need to be given in a doctor’s office, but some can be used at home, either with or without a prescription.

    11. Compression

    If you are having swelling associated with your knee pain this can exacerbate the pain signals substantially. Compression wraps can help with this. You can use a brace for this or go the cheaper route and just use and Ace wrap. Be careful not to make it so tight that you start to restrict blood flow.

    12. Try Foot orthotics

    In many cases the foot plays a large role in knee stability. If you have. very flat feet or very high arches this could be contributing to your knee pain. Trying some orthotics can help provide the foot and knee with the support it needs to maintain a neutral position.

    13. Isometric knee strengthening exercises

    Research shows that isometric exercises have been proven to reduce joint pain while maintaining muscle bulk in times of injury.

    14. Use ice and heat

    This may be the question we get the most. Do I use ice or heat?

    Heat is best for loosening up stiff muscles and joints. A lot of people find it useful in the morning when they’re stiff and having trouble moving.

    Ice is good after activity or in the evening when your knees are aching or painful.

    Without knowing your personal situation, the best advice I can give you is to try both ice and heat and keep using the one that makes you feel better!

    15. Consult a Knee pain Expert

    The fastest way to take care of your knee pain is by going to see a physical therapist. A physical therapist can listen to your story and take a look at your knees and find out why you are having pain and stiffness.

    Then a physical therapist can come up with a plan to relax your aching muscles, loosen your stiff joints, and strengthen your body so you can get back to the activities you love.

    If you combine all these tips from this special guide with a visit to a hands-on physical therapist, then you will see a dramatic drop in your knee pain and stiffness.

If you’re dealing with nagging knee pain during your normal exercise routine then let us help! sign up below for our extremely discounted Knee Pain Assessments valued at $197 for only $47!