Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy


Pelvic Floor Therapy

Dr. Meghan Karol is an expert with treatment of the pelvic floor in pre and postpartum women. Many postpartum women struggle with pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, and incontinence with getting back to their normal day to day routine - YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
If you are experiencing leaking, pain or heaviness after pregnancy Dr. Meghan Karol can assess for any tightness, weakness or muscle imbalances that could be contributing to these symptoms.
Pelvic pain can also be related to sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJ dysfunction), low back pain, and pubic symphysis pain. All of these can be closely linked to imbalances in the pelvic floor.

If you are having difficulties with any of these symptoms listed above, click below to speak to a specialist on the phone!

Birth Prep Packages

Be proactive with your pelvic health during pregnancy with our birth prep appointments.
In these appointments, Dr. Meghan Karol will assess pelvic floor muscle coordination, strength, and reflexive muscle activation as well as the pelvic floor muscles' ability to relax and lengthen required for birth.
You will also learn various strategies to help reduce the risk of perineal tear severity during birth. Dr. Meghan Karol can help you manage common pregnancy-related aches and pains including low back pain, sciatica and pubic symphysis pain. You will be prepared for early postpartum recovery with a safe return to exercise guideline after pregnancy.

If you want to prepare for your pregnancy and learn how to plan for the future , click below to get scheduled today!

Diastasis Recti

What is Diastasis Recti? Diastasis Recti occurs during or post pregnancy when the rectus abdominis muscles separate from being stretched to make room for the baby. These muscles are what you typically think of as the “six-pack” abs, which are important for maintaining a healthy spine and reducing the risk for low back pain after pregnancy.
Diastasis Recti can cause “bulging” or feeling of your belly sticking out when attempting to return to prior exercise routines. This feeling is a sign that the abdominal muscles are not working together.
Dr. Meghan Karol can assist in these muscles healing properly allowing you to return back to your favorite activities with a strong core!

If you have been diagnosed or feel as if you may have Diastasis Recti, click below to speak to a specialist today!

If you are looking for Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Norfolk request a discovery call today with Dr. Meghan Karol to get you back to the activities you love!